1985 Seven Angels 歡場
1985 Twinkle,Twinkle Lucky Stars 夏日福星
1985 The unwritten law 法外情
1985 The Time You Need a Friend 笑匠
1985 Isle of Fantasy 開心樂園
1985 Why Me 何必有我
1985 City Hero 飛虎奇兵
1985 For Your Heart Only 為你鍾情
1985 Working Class 打工皇帝
1985 Happy Ghost2 開心鬼放暑假
1985 Cupio one 愛神一號
1985 Mismatched Couples 情逢敵手
1985 Kung Hei Fat Choy 恭喜發財
1985 Police Story Part I 警察故事
1985 Cop Busters 拖錯車
1985 Happy Din Don 歡樂叮噹
1985 Heart of the Dragon 龍的心
1985 Modern Detective 摩登神探
1985 Mr. Vampire Part 1 殭屍先生
1985 My Lucky Stars 福星高照
1985 Those Merry Souls 時來運轉
1985 Crazy Romance 求愛反斗星
1985 Heart of Dragon 龍的心-2
1985 It's A Drink! It's A Bomb! 聖誕奇遇結良緣
1985 Mr boo meets pom pom 智勇三寶
1985 How to Choose a Royal Bride 天官賜福
1985 My Name Ain't Suzie 花街時代
1985 Police Assassins Yes,Madam 皇家師姐
1985 The Young Vagabond 少年蘇乞兒
1985 Disciples of Shaolin Temple 少林俗家弟子
1985 Disciples Of The 36th Chamber 霹靂十傑
1985 South Shaolin Master 2 南拳王II氣壯山河
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