1980 Laughing Times 滑稽時代
1980 Heroes Shed No Tears 英雄無淚
1980 The Young Master 師弟出馬
1980 We're Going To Eat You 地獄無門
1980 From Riches To Rags 錢作怪
1980 Two Champions Of Shaolin 少林與武當
1980 Two Fists Against The Law 雙辣
1980 Close Encounters of the Spooky Kind鬼打鬼
1980 The Beast 山狗
1980 The Sword 名劍
1980 The 36 Deadly Styles 三十六迷形拳
1980 Two Fists Against the Law 雙辣-2
1980 Half A Loaf Of Kung Fu 一招半式闖江湖
1980 Magnificent Kick 黃飛鴻與鬼腳七
1980 Carry on Wise Guy 破戒大師
1980 Chu Liu Hsiang and Hu Tieh Hua 楚留香與胡鐵花
1980 Heaven and Hell Gate 衝出地獄們
1980 Killer Constable 萬人斬
1980 Legend of The Fox 飛狐外傳
1980 Loot 賊贓
1980 The Master 背叛師門
1980 Young Hero 迷蹤霍元甲
1980 The Imperious Princess 金枝玉葉
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